Websites that convert well aren't built by accident.
High-performing websites don’t rely on templates or ready-made website services. They rely on well-developed strategies and planning incorporated throughout the entire customer journey. This requires research and testing. Investing in a website that converts increases revenue and the ability to compete and grow.
CKI Digital Framework
Business goals and visitor needs.
Businesses grow by maximizing efficiency. Often, they focus their efficiency measures on customer service and user experience. While a company may see this as a step in the right direction, in reality it can quickly lead to dissatisfied customers and potential customers. Unhappy customers post negative reviews, share their experiences with others, and they don’t come back to buy more.
We discover where your business goals and your visitor’s needs overlap and work to create efficiencies and improvements in this important area.
Customer Journey
- The consumer’s first point of contact with the brand
- The various touchpoints with the brand as they use the product
- The final point of contact with the brand
- The customer’s relationship to the brand
- How they feel about their experience with the brand
- The extent to which they are recommending the brand to friends and family.
Good customer journey maps make it easy to identify everything that a customer touches while interacting with your marketing messages.