Meta Tags

If you want your website to rank high on search engines, you need to make sure you have proper meta tags. Meta tags are snippets of text not seen by your visitors that describe a page's content. Search engines use these tags to help index and categorize your site.  Why you should care about meta…

If you want your web­site to rank high on search engines, you need to make sure you have prop­er meta tags. Meta tags are snip­pets of text not seen by your vis­i­tors that describe a page’s con­tent. Search engines use these tags to help index and cat­e­go­rize your site. 

Why you should care about meta tags

Search engines use meta tags to deter­mine if your page is rel­e­vant to a user’s search query.

Meta tags 101

Meta tags are an impor­tant aspect of SEO (Search Engine Opti­miza­tion). They help search engines under­stand what your page is about and deter­mine whether it is rel­e­vant to a user’s search query.

To opti­mize your web­site for SEO, you need to make sure that your meta tags are accu­rate and descrip­tive. If you’re not sure how to do this, you can always hire an SEO com­pa­ny to help you out.

The different meta tags

While there are many types of meta tags, we’ll cov­er 4 that are use­ful for every web­site. Audits often inchude recomen­da­tions for these tags. They include: the title tag, the meta descrip­tion tag, the key­word tag, and the robots tag.

The Title Tag

The title tag is the most impor­tant of all the meta tags. It tells search engines what your web­site is about. The title should be con­cise and brief (50–60 char­ac­ters). It should include your tar­get key­word. Search engines usu­al­ly use this for the click­able link on search results.

The Meta Description Tag

The meta descrip­tion tag is also impor­tant. This tag describes your page in more detail. The meta descrip­tion should be around 155 char­ac­ters long. It should also con­tain your keywords.

While the meta descrip­tion tag should­n’t impact rank­ings, it is often used as the text snip­pet that appears in search results. This means that it can influ­ence whether some­one clicks through to your page.

The Keyword Tag

The key­word tag tells search engines which key­words are rel­e­vant to your web­site. You should include a few dozen key­words here so that search engines can bet­ter match your page to peo­ple search­ing for those terms.

Deter­min­ing the key­words to use can be dif­fi­cult. You must do some key­word research to dis­cov­er what terms peo­ple search for to find you.

The Robots Meta Tag

The robots meta tag has a direct impact on how search engines crawl your web­site. The robots tag tells search engines whether to index a page, or to fol­low the links on the page.

This is espe­cial­ly impor­tant if you have pages that are only acces­si­ble after fill­ing out a form, or dupli­cate pages.

How to use meta tags on your website

You find meta tags in the HTML code of your web­site and they can be either “name” or “http-equiv” tags. Name tags spec­i­fy the title, descrip­tion, and key­words for your web­site. Http-equiv tags con­trol how browsers cache and dis­play your web pages. To add meta tags to your web­site, you’ll need to edit the HTML code of your pages. Most con­tent man­age­ment sys­tems and page builders make this as easy as fill­ing in blanks. There are also plu­g­ins for many plat­forms that will help man­age the tags. Oth­er­wise, you may need to edit the html code by hand.

Time to start using meta tags

It’s impor­tant to use meta tags to improve your web­site rank­ing. Meta tags pro­vide infor­ma­tion about your web­site to search engines. This can help you reach more poten­tial cus­tomers and make more sales.